The Merit School


The Merit School combines knowledge and skills, education and practice, student and the future.

In a time when we cannot be certain about what our children will pursue and what the jobs of the future will be, we know what types of skills are essential. These skills will be taught at The Merit School, a school where nobility, modern knowledge and skills are the key values for its establishment.

The Merit School combines knowledge and skills, education and practice, student and the future.


The school is accredited and verified by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia as a general high school (gymnasium) with its authentic extracurricular program.

Enhanced foreign languages classes, as well as Serbian language classes for foreigners, will be included in the extracurricular program. The Merit School will also provide additional certificates for these programs.


The Merit School aspires to have a morally and professionally distinguished teaching staff that applies modern teaching and learning methods in well-equipped classrooms, tailored to the individual needs, interests, and abilities of students. Our environment promotes values based on mutual respect, appreciation of diversity, and the authenticity of each student, or each individual as a whole.

Upon completing the Merit School, students become liberated creative individuals in the community they build, ready to make the right choice of college, satisfied with their position and knowledge, with a well-founded personal motivation for advancement, improvement, and a desire to grow into happy and content individuals.


The Merit School is a gymnasium that students enter with full confidence and assurance that it will provide everything necessary for them during the schooling. Furthermore, after the graduation, thanks to our school the students will be able to continue with the higher education at the highest level. The Merit School will recognize the strengths of each student and build the self-confidence to navigate the modern world. Through a contemporary educational approach and communication, we create a healthy social environment and support the significance of mental health. The Merit School is a place where we nurture the entrepreneurial spirit (entrepreneurship), the awareness of the importance of proper behaviour towards others while addressing a group, audience, or camera (public speaking), as well as the way of perceiving the world and oneself in the world. We are focusing on these skills broadly, without limiting factors (enhancing creative and critical thinking).


The Merit School – mesto, gde se kroz vannastavni program neguje preduzetnički duh (preduzetništvo), svesnost važnosti ponašanja i obraćanja pred grupom , publikom ili kamerom (javni nastup), kao i način sagledavanja sveta i sebe u svetu, široko, bez ograničavajućih faktora (kreativno i kritičko mišljenje).

The best students will have organized and paid visits to entrepreneurship conferences in the region and Europe.

Final student projects, research, and works will participate in various competitions in the country and abroad. Students will have the opportunity to compete individually and as a team.

Studijska putovanja i ekskurzije biće uklopljeni u nastavni i vannastavni proces. Destinacije će upotpuniti stečeno znanje u prethodnom periodu u školi i pružiti nezaboravna iskustva i dodatno znanje.


Učionice su opremljene digitalnim tablama, svi učenici imaju svoje laptop uređaje.

The school will have a large production studio, as well as space for sports and contemporary intellectual activities, and optionally, catering, freshly prepared and varied healthy food, tailored to the taste of students in that age group.

A special corner will be the Open Doors of the psychologist, who will be available and open to providing support in learning and improving the social and personal development of students.

Why The Merit School in Belgrade ?

In Belgrade, there are twenty-one state gymnasiums, and in two more state high schools there are gymnasium departments. In addition to the state ones, there are nineteen private schools in Belgrade, which are either gymnasiums or mixed schools with gymnasium departments. Educational demand in the last ten years has shown increased interest from children who complete primary school, and their parents, for enrollment in gymnasiums located in central city municipalities of Belgrade (Stari Grad, Vračar, Savski venac, and Novi Beograd). Existing state gymnasiums cannot meet this demand, and the offerings of existing private schools can be successfully complemented by the first gymnasium in the newly established city center.

Adresa škole je Emilijana Josimovića 4, GO Stari grad. 4o
