The Merit School


We are establishing the most modern general high school with an extracurricular program that includes the following skills:

 Public appearance
 Creative thinking
 Critical thinking

Plan i program nastave je važeći nacionalni program za gimnaziju opšteg tipa na srpskom jeziku.

Teaching program

The curriculum includes all compulsory and elective subjects of the official curriculum of the Republic of Serbia.

At the beginning of the school year, students will receive official textbooks in the Serbian language, chosen by teachers according to criteria that meet the modern approach to learning. This means that the selected textbooks will also have a code which will enable the student to access the digital edition of the textbooks and to interactive learning.

Posebna pažnja biće usmerena na učenje stranih jezika. Prvi jezik je engleski koji će pored redovnog fonda podrazumevati dodatne časove i mogućnost dobijanja zvaničnih međunarodnih sertifikata u okviru The Merit School. Drugi jezik je po izboru učenika. Učenici će moći da biraju: nemački, francuski, španski, ruski, italijanski.



The school day starts at nine o'clock. Students have six regular classes, and three times a week they participate in extracurricular programs lasting an hour and a half. There is a mandatory break in between, designated for lunch.

The school bell stress will be replaced by music. The atmosphere in the school, as well as the choice of music, will be created by student organizations, specifically the student parliament, which will have a special significance in the school.

Nastavni dan počinje u devet časova, učenik ima šest redovnih časova, a tri puta nedeljno idu na vannastavni program u trajanju od sat i po, odnosno školski dvočas. Između obavezno dolazi odmor, koji je predviđen za ručak.

The learning process will be fully digitized and in line with modern achievements. The Merit School will have its digital learning platform updated on a daily basis.

The Merit School will pay special attention to the Career Guidance Team's work to help students choose a faculty in the country or abroad in a timely and secure manner.

Students will have the opportunity to use an hour in the library 10 times a year, instead of being tested, if they are not ready for it - because this will not be a school from which students deliberately miss classes.

Posebnu pažnju The Merit School će posvetiti radu Tima za karijerno vođenje, kako bi učenici pravovremeno i sa sigurnošću izabrali fakultet u zemlji ili inostranstvu.


U svakom semestru biće organizovani posebni gostujući predavači koji su u tom trenutku najaktuelniji u oblastima preduzetništva, javnog nastupa i kreativnog mišljenja. Radionice, debate, praktične vežbaonice biće implementirane u redovni nastavni proces, a vodiće ih stručnjaci najkompetentniji za izabranu oblast u tom trenutku, i iz zemlje i inostranstva.


Students will wear uniforms, which they will design in order to feel more comfortable and which will be in accordance with their taste, adapted to the contemporary moment of decent dressing for a young person.

Physical education:

One of the most important factors in the development of any young person is well-organized physical activity.

Nastava fizičkog vaspitanja će biti organizovna u sportskim salama, na bazenu, teniskim terenima, a kad god vremenske prilike budu povoljne, učenici će fizičko imati napolju, u obližnjim parkovima, terenima, šumama…

The school will participate in sports competitions as a team. Furthermore, we will develop a competitive spirit in OCR races, we will join the ULTIMATE race on Ada which takes place twice a year, and many other activations.

Volunteer work:

Students of The Merit School will have the opportunity to participate in various charity activations and volunteer organizations, organized by companies and relevant foundations.

It is a great opportunity to develop empathy, tolerance and techniques of understanding another, different human being. Also, by being part of such organizations, volunteer points are being gathered, which are counted as additional points for students to enroll foreign faculties and scholarships.

Visiting cultural and sports events:

As The Merit School is located in the center of our capital, our students will not miss the opportunity to understand how our metropolis breathes, and in order to feel the real life of Belgrade and acquire the right cultural habits, ten times a year the students and their teachers will be able to attend important cultural and sports events in Belgrade. Ten tickets for each student will be part of the school package, and will include film premieres, theater performances, exhibition openings, as well as visits to the opera and concerts of the Philharmonic orchestra. The package also includes tickets for the most important sports matches for the current year.

We will make such visits more than ten times, if there are more events that attract our attention and that we do not want to miss.

The Merit School - a place where the entrepreneurial spirit (entrepreneurship), awareness of the importance of behavior, and addressing in front of a group, audience or camera (public appearance), as well as a way of understanding the world and oneself in the world, broadly, without limiting factors (creative and critical thinking).
