The Merit School


In the first year of the 2024-2025 academic year the projected number of enrolled students for the Merit School is five classes, consisting of up to 15 students each.

Various pedagogical studies indicate that the most effective and functional school work can be performed in classes with 15 students.


The The Merit School package includes:


  1. Celokupni nastavni proces u gimnaziji opšteg tipa (nacionalni program, nastava je na srpskom jeziku), sa izdavanjem važeće i obavezne dokumentacije za svaki razred, dodatnu, dopunsku nastavu, psihološko-pedagošku podršku, svakodnevno dostupnu pomoć u učenju, praćenje svakog učenika, pisanje preporuka za dalje školovanje i karijerno vođenje kako bi pravovremeno izabrali fakultet u zemlji i inostranstvu.
  2. Pojačani časovi engleskog jezika (Cambridge program).
  3. Vannastavne aktivnosti (preduzetništvo, javni nastup, kreativno i kritičko mišljenje po Cambridge programu na engleskom jeziku) uz gostujuće predavače i praćenje učeničkih radova i projekata.
  4. Organization of volunteer work, as well as attendance and participation in the organization of various conferences, debates, cultural and sports events.
  5. Preparation and participation of students in selected competitions and preparatory classes for faculties.

Nataša Vasić, Principal

The Merit School

+381 69 1555887

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Ime i prezime Roditelja
Ime i prezime Učenika

The Merit School - a place where the entrepreneurial spirit (entrepreneurship), awareness of the importance of behavior, and addressing in front of a group, audience or camera (public appearance), as well as a way of understanding the world and oneself in the world, broadly, without limiting factors (creative and critical thinking).
